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Top 4 Tips & Tricks to Prepare for Olympiad Exam in India

by Sudhir Surwase 24 Nov 2023

A question most students tend to contemplate is- ‘What is the need of an Olympiad exam in India?’ More often, this leads to the exam being taken lightly or becoming less effective. However, what they miss out is a golden opportunity to discover a subject of interest and build their goals for the future. Most importantly, what makes the Olympiad exams desirable is the drive for knowledge it builds among students, that slowly develops into a healthy competition.

Before preparing yourself, firstly you need to understand what the exam is all about and identify where your interest lies.

Olympiad exam in India is a competitive examination often conducted at national and international levels to assess the aptitude, skills and most importantly identify the interest of a student towards a subject. It is conducted for different subjects like Science, Mathematics, General Knowledge and English. It is conducted for students ranging from grade 1 to 12, to constantly evaluate themselves. These exams not only help students in the betterment of their academic performance but also aid in their overall understanding of a subject, thus making it more crucial.

There are 6 main Olympiads conducted by Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) that focuses on finding students with a taste for scientific temperament. These Olympiads are based on different core subjects but contain both, questions of general aptitude and theoretical and subjective knowledge carefully graded which promotes a meticulous attitude towards the subject. The different Olympiads conducted by the Foundation include,

  • National Science Olympiad (NSO) – It is conducted in two levels, and can be attempted by student from class 1-12. The results of class 1 and 2 are declared after the first level, while 3-12 give the second level of examination. It aids to assess the scientific disposition of students along with reasoning and logic.
  • National Cyber Olympiad (NCO) – It is a single level competitive exam for students from class 1-12. This exam is mainly conducted for students with an aptitude for technical studies and cyber skills.
  • International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) – It is conducted in two levels for classes 1-12. It helps to picks students with a flair for mathematics along with general subjects.
  • International English Olympiad (IEO) – It is a two level competitive exam for classes 1-12. It helps to assess students with an interest for grammar and English language.
  • International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO) – It is a single level exam attended by students of class 1-10. It is a quest for students who keep a constant track in current affairs and general history.
  • International Commerce Olympiad (ICO) – It is a single level exam for students of class 10-12. It is conducted to pick students with a knack for business and accountancy among other subjects of aptitude.
Olympiad Exam In India                                       Fact!

Another popular Olympiad examination is NSTSE (National Science Talent Search Examination), conducted by a different organization. It is also conducted in two levels for classes 1-12 and picks students with an aptitude for science, mathematics, and logical reasoning. The winner is awarded Rs. 2 lakh. There are several other Olympiads but these remain the most attempted ones.

Olympiad Exam in India – How it works?

Over a decade, these Olympiads have helped students in analyzing, critical thinking, logical reasoning and cultivating many more skills in addition to generating a competitive spirit among peer groups. It is conducted in most CBSE/ICSE and International schools and can only be attended by school students of grade 1-12. Students from schools that are not registered with the SOF, have to apply/register via the school to attend the Olympiad.

During the one-hour long examination, students are given an OMR sheet to mark the answers of each MCQ (Multiple Choice Question).Each question may carry different weightage and students can check their score/ranking by entering their roll number. The winners of SOF Olympiads are awarded Rs. 50,000 along with a medal and certificate

Opportunities and challenges of Participating in Olympiad Exam in India

The primary challenge before writing an Olympiad exam in India is to identify your arena of interest and focus on developing your knowledge on the subject. If you are confident about what to prepare, the rest follows. Since most Olympiads include science and logical reasoning, the primary subjects necessary for all competitive exams as well as crucial in most interviews, students who undertake the exam have an upper hand over their peers.

Olympiad exam in India have become more challenging and fun in comparison to their regular syllabus and also improves academic performance.  Most importantly these Olympiad exam in India have set standards and help the students in identifying their strengths and weaknesses, and push them to work on their limitations. Olympiads are a huge boost to student profiles, as it helps in building themselves as dedicated and passionate scholars which acts as a bonus point for them to build their careers.

Online Coaching and Mock Tests for Olympiad Exam in India

The Olympiad exam in India syllabus is prescribed by CBSE/ ICSE and other state boards, and do not follow a fixed question paper set. The one hour long paper, contains a mixed set of questions based on science, reasoning and mathematics, and mostly follows the NCERT/CBSE syllabus.

SOF provides schools with practice papers and few sample papers; it often isn’t enough for students to write the Olympiads. The reason being, limited access and unresolved doubts.  BuyTestSeries provides the top Olympiad Workbooks, Olympiad Test Series and blog updates to prepare for each competitive examination and work relentlessly towards bringing forth the best academic solutions for every examination. We believe our competency lies in providing tailored solutions to all. Also students can access the regular Olympiad Video Lectures available on the website, to develop a better understanding of the lessons taught online via regular classes. In our website, you find practice papers for Olympiads besides the ones mentioned, each with detailed practice papers and test series.

 The best Guides/books to prepare for Olympiad exam in India are by MTG Publication, the content partner of SOF. MTG releases a series of sample papers, Practice guides, previous year practice papers and Olympiad Skill Development System and Olympiad Online Test Series, all of which helps in preparing for the Olympiad exam in India. In our website you can also avail heavy discounts and offers that suit your requirement.

How to approach Olympiad Exam in India – Tips and Tricks

The main agenda to keep in mind before preparing for any exam is to boost your confidence and constantly re-assuring yourself. Both these traits come with constant practicing and maintaining a calm and relaxed composure while attempting the examination.

The key to preparing for any exam is –

  • Study– One of the most crucial parts of any exam preparation is the study and understanding of a concept. It requires unwavered focus and commitment, and most importantly a proper schedule to balance the process.
  • Practice– The next key step is distribution and practice. Most often with competitive exams, the syllabus tends to get trickier and mundane, and hence you need to scale your syllabus well and practice accordingly to even out and focus on every arena. Practice makes everything perfect, but practice with smart distribution makes the syllabus fun and perfectly fitted for you.
  • Revise– With time, students also need to revise thoroughly for constant re-assurance and boosting your confidence. The more you practice, the more you boost your performance and manage your speed and time.
  • Time Management– The final and most important step is to relax, and in fact take breaks to keep your-self focused and committed. Competitive exams demand a lot of dedication, and hence it is important to take time-outs to analyze your performance and to calm yourself.

Before attempting each question, read it twice and understand how much marks they carry. It is always an ideal practice to attempt questions that you know and then coming back to the questions you are doubtful of. With these five steps, completely balanced, one can start preparing to battle the Olympiad/ any competitive exams. By taking these small steps well in advance, students can excel in their preparation which is a huge lift to their confidence and performance. There is no need for added pressure; rather these Olympiads can become a fun and challenging opportunity to help you understand your strengths.

Knowledge is strength. It is up-to you, how you shape it and mold it to be fruitful. With proper awareness about the Olympiad exams, the opportunities it brings about and most importantly how to prepare for, you can set your pace and grow with every passing exam. By following this guide, you can definitely achieve a routine that works for your subject of interest and with time, you can surpass in it. A little attention to detail helps you make the run for your goals! Take the challenge to build yourself through these exams, and achieve your aspirations. Grab your opportunity now!

To know more on exam preparations and the latest updates, Stay Tuned to BuyTestSeries. To start your preparation today, visit or contact us at – +91-8149569442 | +91- 9096698388 | +91- 9168934189.

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