CA Foundation Exam Preparation Guide & 5 Preparation Tips From Best CA Faculties
CA Foundation Exam Preparation: A career field that every Commerce student aspires to follow in India is Chartered Accountancy. CA is the most popular examination in India owing to its vast scope after completion of the course. However, the first stepping stone in this entire journey full of calculation is the CA Foundation Exam. A lot of candidates who might have just chosen CA as their career path are often confused regarding the best CA Foundation Exam Preparation.
CA Foundation is the first step to become a successful CA. However, there are a lot of things which makes it easy from other levels viz CA Inter and CA Final. That being the case, not every student aspiring to become a CA has to appear for the CA Foundation Exam.
In the case that if the candidate has completed his Bachelor or Post Graduation in Commerce he will get a direct entry in the CA Inter exam. The candidates who feel that they have nothing to start with can check this page for more details related to CA Foundation Exam Preparation.
CA Foundation Exam Preparation: Books and Test Series
For those candidates who are looking for the best CA Foundation Exam Preparation resources. Buy Test Series has a plethora of books and study material that will make their preparation for the examination very smooth.
As per the official syllabus of CA Foundation Exam, there are four papers in the CA Foundation examination. The candidates who are serious about CA Foundation Exam Preparation have to follow the best books available in the market. Hence giving an edge to their CA Foundation Exam Preparation and clear the paper in the first attempt.
CA Foundation Exam Preparation: Important Books
There are a lot of books available both online and offline that promises to aid the CA Foundation Exam Preparation. However, the smart candidates always stick to those books which are being used by ex-students. There is no point in wasting time on a lot of books. The candidates must always follow at least two books to strengthen their foundation for the CA Foundation 2021. The candidates can check the names of the books and get them at a discounted price from BuyTestSeries.
Subject | Name of the Book | Buying Link |
Principles & Practice of Accounting | Taxmann Cracker – Principles & Practice of Accounting Book for CA Foundation by CA Manmeet Kaur, Dr SK Agrawal. |
Click Here |
CA Foundation Principal & Practice of Accounting Book by CA Gautam Khurana. | Click Here | |
Business Law & Business Correspondence and Reporting |
Taxmann Cracker – Business Laws & Business Correspondence and Reporting Book for CA Foundation by CA Manmeet Kaur, Dr SK Agrawal. |
Click Here |
Scanner CA Foundation (Paper-2) Business Laws & Business Correspondence and Reporting Fast Track Edition. |
Click Here | |
Business Mathematics, Logical Reasoning and Statistics |
Padhuka Easy Guide to Business Maths and Logical Reasoning & Statistics Book for CA Foundation by CA G Sekar, CA B Saravana Prasath |
Click Here |
Scanner CA Foundation (Paper-3) Business Mathematics, Logical Reasoning & Statistics Regular Edition. |
Click Here | |
Business Economics and Business and Commercial Knowledge |
Business Economics & Business and Commercial Knowledge Book for CA Foundation By Dr Vishal Saxena. |
Click here |
CA Foundation Business Commercial Knowledge Book by CA Deepak Mulchandani |
Click Here | |
CA Foundation Business Economics Book by CA Deepak Mulchandani | Click Here |
CA Foundation Exam Preparation: Test Series
Once the candidate has strengthened his base for the CA Foundation Exam Preparation. The next step is intensive practice, the candidate should use test series and practice books to give a shape to their preparation. It is often seen that in exam a lot of twisted question is asked. The candidates who have not practised question of these type mess up their whole examination. Hence, the students should take the help of test series solely made for the CA Foundation Exam 2021. The buying link of the best test series for the CA Foundation is given in the table below:
Subject | Name of the Test Series | Buying Link |
Principles & Practice of Accounting | CA Foundation Principles & Practice of Accounting Test Series (PDF). | Click here |
CA Foundation Standard Plus Program Principles & Practices of Accounting Test Series |
Click here | |
Business Law & Business Correspondence and Reporting |
CA Foundation Business Laws & Business Correspondence & Reporting Test Series (PDF). |
Click here |
CA Foundation Standard Plus Program Business Laws & Business Correspondence and Reporting Test Series |
Click here | |
Business Mathematics, Logical Reasoning and Statistics |
CA Foundation Business Mathematics & Logical Reasoning & Statistics Test Series (PDF). |
Click here |
CA Foundation Standard Plus Program Business Mathematics & Logical Reasoning and Statistics Test Series. |
Click here | |
Business Economics and Business and Commercial Knowledge |
CA Foundation Standard Plus Program Business Economics & Business and Commercial Knowledge Test Series |
Click here |
CA Foundation Business Economics & Business & Commercial Knowledge Test Series (PDF). |
Click here |
CA Foundation Exam 2021: 5 Preparation Tips

The candidates who are looking for the CA Foundation Exam Preparation tips have to follow a strategy for acing the examination. The CA Foundation 2021 examination is conducted twice in a year. However, the candidates should prefer the best resources to ace the CA Foundation Exam Preparation.
The candidates are often confused for the best strategy to clear the CA Foundation examination. With this in mind, BuyTestSeries interviewed a lot of ex CA students and CA faculties. They have shared a lot of tips and tricks that can help the candidates with the Foundation exam preparation. The candidates can check the 5 best CA Foundation Exam Preparation tips shared by the ex CA students in the space below:
Smart learning – The world is going smart! With the advent in technology, a lot of our everyday problems are solved in the wink of an eye. The students always try to adapt to doing their learning in a smarter approach. As a result of this, they will not only save a lot of time. In either case, it will result in less stress.
According to CA Durgesh Singh, “If a student opts for smart studies then he is able to complete the syllabus of CA Foundation in a less time”. Post this, the student can use the time in practicing and revising whatever he has learnt.
Intensive Practice – CA Foundation examination is considered as a very calculative examination. The kind of questions asked in the examination asks the candidate to do a lot of calculations. However, in a limited time, if the candidate has not practiced well, it can lead to attempting less question. With this in mind, the candidate should indulge in a lot of practice in the form of test series and previous year question papers.
In fact, a lot of CA faculties agree with our view of indulging the candidate in practice.
CA AKS Krishnan says, “2 times revision + chapter wise test + Mock test are must to clear the CA Foundation examination”.
While, according to CA Amit Bachhawat, “It depends upon a candidate, However, self-assessment is very important. If a student feels that his writing speed is slow he should set a time-bound target and he should try to finish his 20 marks- 30 marks within that time and should reassess whether he can do or not”.
Self-Prepared Notes – Self Prepared notes work as an elixir for the CA Foundation Exam Preparation. In other words, it not only helps the candidate in a proper revision. On the other hand, it also helps the candidate in memorizing the concepts that are hard to remember.
According to CA Amit Bachhawat, “Preparing the notes is very beneficial for the student especially when you prepare the notes with multicolored handwriting, few diagrams. It helps you to retain the answer for a longer time and even quality of answer improves. It also helps in revision and retaining the answer.
Hence preparing the notes is very vital. But I would like to add just copying the notes from the book is not important. Notes should be prepared in such a way that you can visualize the answer while you are writing the answer in the exam”.
Revise Smartly – Revision is the most important part of the CA Foundation Exam Preparation. The candidates who are in the final stages of their preparation should devise a strategy so that they can retain everything that they have studied for the CA Foundation examination.
In the words of CA AKS Krishnan, “CA is a course where discipline is utmost necessary each subject is vast in its respect. If we finish one and start concentrating on another, the 1st subject which we already studied will lose touch. So, the aspirants have to keep revising the concepts and formulas”.
Avoid Social Media – Social Media is the biggest source of distraction these days for the students. We at Buy Test Series do not support fully banning them. However, the students should spend minimum time on scrolling on social media platforms.
Faculty CA Amit Bacchawat says, “The students must avoid Facebook, you-tube etc as much as they can. A student must prepare for his exams in a very healthy manner He can watch television for 20-30 mins even 15 days before the exam to ease out his pressure. Too much of studies under pressure conditions & STRESS will not produce favorable results.
Even if the examination is tough, your perfect strategy can help you in getting over it. CA Foundation 2021 is the first step towards the journey of becoming a successful CA. If you are also aspiring to become a chartered accountant one day. In that case, do follow all the tips that are shared by the faculties to ace the CA Foundation Exam Preparation.
To know more on exam preparations and the latest updates, Stay Tuned to BuyTestSeries. To start your preparation today, visit or contact us at – +91-8149569442 | +91- 9096698388 | +91- 9168934189.